Blue Cure Men's Health-Prevention Run

1031 Stude St, Houston, TX 77007, USA




H-E-B invites you to the Blue Cure Men's Health Prevention Run 

Arming men with critical knowledge and information is key, and encouraging men to commit to action is our goal! The H-E-B Blue Cure Men's Health Prevention Run will shine a light on men's physical and mental health issues across Houston, Texas, and beyond. 

Sign up and run or walk for your dad, husband, son, grandfathers, brothers, and the men that are important to you. Let's shine a light on men's health and encourage the men in our life to take action!

The Blue Cure Men's Health Prevention Run is an untimed fun run, that takes place on Saturday, November 13 at Stude Park in the Houston Heights neighborhood. This family fun event will include music, pre-run yoga stretch, healthy treats, and more in order to raise awareness for men's health issues. 

Your participation and entry fee will go towards funding Blue Cure's new scholarship program for the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies Plant-Based Nutrition Certificate Program (in partnership with eCornell, Cornell University's online platform).

Your participation also provides support for Blue Cure's 2022 online education programs and advocacy initiatives, including: 

  • February 2022: American Heart Month in Feb 2022 (Heart Disease is #1 killer) and Cancer Prevention Month (Cancer is overall #2)
  • March 2022: National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month
  • May 2022: National Stroke Awareness Month and National Mental Health Awareness Month
  • June 2022: Men's Health Month
  • September 2022: Prostate Cancer Awareness Month (Prostate cancer is the #2 most common cancer for American men) and National Suicide Prevention Month 
  • November 2022: Lung Cancer Awareness Month (Lung Cancer is the most fatal cancer among men); Alzheimer's Awareness Month; and Diabetes Awareness Month 

Read Blue Cure Founder Gabe Canales' recent piece in the Houston Chronicle: Missed a prostate cancer checkup due to COVID? Reschedule it, now. It's what saved my life.  (September 29, 2021)



Lifestyle, annual checkups, and screenings save lives.

The Mission of Blue Cure is to save men from premature death by empowering men with the knowledge of how lifestyle can prevent and reduce the risk of leading causes of male deaths from lifestyle-driven chronic health conditions and cancers. 

Blue Cure Founder Gabe Canales has lived with early-stage prostate cancer for over a decade. He was diagnosed at age 35. Blue Cure wants to end the stigma that keeps men from taking control of their health to live healthierhappier lives.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, men in the United States, on average, die 5 years earlier than women and die at higher rates from the three leading causes of death, heart disease, cancer, and unintentional injuries. 
About 80 percent of deaths from premature heart disease and stroke could be prevented by changes in physical activity, diet, smoking, and management of common medical conditions. (CDC )
About 42% of cancer cases and 45% of cancer deaths in the United States are linked to modifiable risk factors – and thus could be preventable. (American Cancer Society)

Packet Pickup

When: Thursday, Nov 11 | 10:30 am-2:30 pm
Where: RunOn! by JackRabbit
Located in: River Oaks Shopping Center
Address: 2012 W Gray St, Houston, TX 77019
Phone: 713-487-2111
Can't make it packet pickup on Thursday, Nov 11? We will be at Stude Park at 7 am on Race Day (Nov 13). Come early to get your packet. 

Children in strollers race free.


Sponsorship Inquiries:

Grateful to our Sponsors: